Atlantic Underground Podcast Episode#8 (Guest Greg Mannarino)

In this episode we speak with financial trader, Greg Mannarino, who is known as the “Robin Hood of Wall Street." Greg’s financial career began with him working for the securities and trading arm of the now defunct Bear Stearns before the dot-com bubble. He is an active trader of the capital markets and has published several books pertaining to finance, global economics, and equity trading. His most recent publication is titled: "Ultimate Guide To Money And The Markets," a FREE 197 page eBook. He has been (and continues to be) interviewed by some of the best in the business: Greg Hunter (USAWatchdog), Alex Jones (INFOWARS), The Pete Santilli Show, FutureMoneyTrends, Caravan To Midnight With John B Wells, SGT Report, and many others. Disclaimer: The views expressed by guests on this podcast are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Atlantic Underground Podcast. If you enjoyed this content please like, share with others, and subscribe! Subscribe to Atlantic Underground Podcast: Greg Mannarino youtube channel Greg Mannarino Website Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Check out our website


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