Atlantic Underground Podcast Episode #15 (Guest Jason Christoff)

 Atlantic Underground Podcast Episode #15 (Guest Jason Christoff)

In this episode we speak with Jason Christoff.Jason is a man who is not fearful to speak his mind regarding the tough issues we all face. 

He has developed a world wide reputation as a self sabotage coach which makes complex issues easy to understand for his clients. 

He discovered very early in his career, after managing one of Canada’s most successful weight loss clinics, that health and self sabotage were inherently connected. 

He has been interviewed across the world  appearing on various podcasts and radio shows.

He has written over 1300 articles on a wide array of topics, all available here for free on his website.

 He believes that not only can we save ourselves with the right knowledge and mindset…but also we can also save our children, our most important relationships and our communities.


The views expressed by guests on this podcast are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Atlantic Underground Podcast.

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